Our Model
An agile agency model designed to meet the complex challenges of the emerging world. We give you direct access to the best communications craft to find the narrow path for ecosystem impact.
The Anti-Agency
The Pythia Collaborative is a network of the highest quality communications consultants curated by Saga Blane. The network is flexible: changing shape to respond adaptively to a client’s individual needs and specific organizational realities. As a custom-curated network of experts, we offer our own branch structure.
The Most Direct Path
We design a custom agency for every brief, removing the inessential and bloated aspects of traditional communications agencies, to give you direct access to (and the direct price-tag for) the expert minds who can guide the way.
Intergenerationally Relevant
Inspires Action
Invest in development
Look towards the future
Provide a unified vision
Connect to your potential audiences in authentic, open-hearted relationship
Set tangible goals for action and tap into the emotional core for taking them
Lead with your uncompromising beliefs
A Co-Creative Approach
We are here to shape a regenerative future together.
Pythia was the Oracle at Delphi who summoned divine inspiration to counsel the powerbrokers of her time. The Pythia was not an individual woman, but rather a role that many priestesses to Apollo could play. She was the voice for feminine collective wisdom, channeled to direct the shaping of the world.
At this crossroads in our planet’s evolution, we are summoning the Pythia again to guide us in shaping a regenerative future. We are here to hold hands with our clients, to support them with multiple heads but singular heart, in bridging our shared hopes for the future with the current reality with courage, conviction, and expansive vision.
Contemporary Methodologies We Draw From
How we envision the future
Feminist Design Principles
Feminist design principles ensure we design with, not for, those most impacted by systemic barriers. By centering intersectionality and prioritizing inclusivity, empowerment, and real-world impact, we create brands that drive long-lasting movements. We reject extractive models in favor of co-creation, where diverse voices shape meaningful change.
Guided & Honest Conversation
The Circle Way, rooted in ancient circle practices and developed by Christina Baldwin and Ann Linnea, is a methodology for collaborative dialogue that fosters deep listening, shared leadership, and intentional decision-making through the use of a center, agreements, and a talking piece.
Participation with Momentum
The Rapid Democracy Framework from the New Citizen Project is a participatory model designed to accelerate decision-making by fostering open, inclusive, and iterative civic engagement, enabling communities to respond dynamically to complex challenges.
Braiding 3 Streams of Work
Listening & Learning: research, auditing, workshopping, & foundational inquiry.
Brand Ecosystem Creation: concepting, refining, designing, & implementing a holistic and future-oriented brand.
Thought Leadership: learnings integration + point of view on their broader application beyond the brand process.
We can help bring an initial intuition into precise direction. This is our preferred starting point, as often what clients believe is the challenge is only the surface-level problem, or a red herring. From our expert outside vantage point, we can take a good look at your brand/business and give you an honest assessment as to what the work is to be done, and how to do it. You can book a Brand Reading® to get a pulse on your brand overall. If your brand is the right match for Pythia Collaborative or some of our collaborators, you’ll get a precise plan of action as an outcome of your Brand Reading®.
The five people presented - Emma, Saga, Brooke, Callie, and Rebecca - offer core functions of any brand re-imagining and some mix of this core will be present in any Pythia Collaborative proposal. The mix is curated according to the needs and budget of the client.
Graphic design is also a core function of brand work. However, we find this piece needs to be matched specifically for each individual client, as each designer has a specific style.
For skillsets that are tailored to a brief - e.g. movement-building expertise, event-production, content creation - we tap our broader networks to find the voices best suited to fill out the whole.
While the Pythia Collaborative began as a formalization of as Saga's inner circle of creative partnerships, it has grown to be a truly mycelial web of networks beyond the original network. These are deeply human relationships: we have worked with each other, trust each other, and have amplified each other in ways visible and invisible. For the newer relationships, we have chosen to align because we share a shared vision of a regenerative future, and notice that we are working with the same ideas in our separate corners… so why not work together?
Of course! Our collaborators are all independent consultants with their own businesses in targeted fields. If you have a situation that only needs one expert at the table, you can reach out directly via their linked websites, or book a Consultant Curation session where we can guide you towards the best people for your project.
Unless otherwise requested, all paperwork is streamlined through Saga Blane LLC to allow for administrative efficiency.
If you want to become part of Pythia, email your work to saga@sagablane.com to start the conversation.