Creative Strategy Direction & Copywriting

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. I SPEAK IN MANIFESTO. Curabitur placerat molestie leo, ac condimentum eros volutpat non. Nulla sit amet est nec lacus dictum facilisis at nec eros. I LOVE A REBRAND. Nullam blandit ante eget fermentum commodo. I BUILD CONTENT UNIVERSES. Integer sit amet velit in eros interdum viverra. Ut ornare pharetra elit vel tincidunt. In euismod elementum lacus, nec posuere ex mattis a. Aliquam erat volutpat. I’VE MADE: DECKS UPON DECKS UPON DECKS.

Ut eu sagittis odio. BRAND FILM SCRIPTS iaculis mauris id, sagittis libero. Phasellus efficitur luctus ex ac facilisis. CAMPAIGNS eros diam, vestibulum blandit ex eleifend vel. Praesent dapibus sagittis metus vitae varius. Aenean condimentum scelerisque leo hendrerit sagittis. Vivamus sit amet erat eu neque egestas ultricies in et urna. Maecenas eget TAGLINES! Vivamus condimentum, CREATIVE PLATFORMS elementum, sem justo blandit ZINES, eget volutpat erat sapien et orci. Duis at orci vel tellus vulputate lobortis. Integer convallis egestas justo ullamcorper. Aliquam ex ipsum, imperdiet ut sagittis vitae, gravida quis massa. Vivamus magna risus, iaculis ac finibus sed, fermentum a tellus. Curabitur lobortis egestas nunc, scelerisque finibus purus TONE OF VOICE TERRITORIES. Mauris tempus libero eu ante maximus elementum.

Aliquam dignissim auctor nunc ut sodales. In consectetur, erat sit amet volutpat hendrerit, ligula PLAYBOOKS, non bibendum nisi nisi a orci. Ut id posuere urna, id eleifend diam. Sed non consectetur lacus, non varius augue. Donec maximus rhoncus turpis, ac tincidunt leo vestibulum sed. Nam molestie, urna et BRAND BOOKS imperdiet, nulla justo facilisis nunc, et condimentum odio est ac justo. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur vitae dapibus sapien. In varius, ante id aliquet dignissim, nunc sapien vulputate nisi, eu consectetur libero n sed ipsum. Vestibulum sed congue metus, ac ultricies ipsum. Donec hendrerit metus et nisi vehicula condimentum ut et quam. Fusce non lectus BOOKLETS andit augue lacinia vestibulum. Nunc consequat purus tempor elit imperdiet elementum. Maecenas nec consectetur sapien. Etiam rhoncus neque a vulputate commodo. Mauris volutpat, quam nec faucibus vulputate, BIT OF A REAL BOOK nibh tincidunt lectus, ut pretium ligula nibh eget ex.

Nulla eget nisi risus. Mauris quis nibh at purus vestibulum vestibulum sit amet ut velit. ACADEMIC PAPERS commodo nulla a sollicitudin fringilla. Nunc et augue ac urna interdum facilisis ac sed tortor. Curabitur efficitur mi sit amet nibh suscipit, a feugiat dui consectetur. Praesent quis purus erat. Quisque at tincidunt mauris. Maecenas SOCIAL CONTENT ante elementum, semper risus quis, luctus ex. In vulputate dui ut ex auctor, at accumsan ex pulvinar. Fusce feugiat erat eget neque gravida, ac congue urna scelerisque. Aliquam eget sodales turpis. Etiam dictum felis sed ex THESIS bibendum. Vivamus euismod nec lectus a porta. In laoreet ex eget erat aliquet maximus ut non. Morbi non nunc eget justo bibendum rhoncus. Ut ullamcorper urna vel mi vehicula, ac pretium tellus tempus.

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** About this design: Lorem Ipsum is the Latin filler for words on a page, inserted by a designer to show where copy will go

Hi, I’m Saga.

Saga means story. I help brands and people both find and tell their story.

There are many hired-gun copywriters out there who can make something sound good. That’s not me. I’m a big-picture-thinker with a backbone of strategic craft learned from the world’s leading advertising minds. I’m a Manifestor in Human Design. This is shorthand for saying I’m a fire-starter, here to summon deep bursts of energy to launch ideas - propelling them from ether to earth.

When you need a co-founder, a co-creator, or someone to communicate your idea, or personal brand, to the world - that’s me! I do this with copy, with strategic frameworks, and with intuitive wisdom. While my strategic mind is busy drawing maps and attuning to the compass, my creative mind is simultaneously listening to the wind and reading the stars. As a writer, it is my attunement to the subtle - to hearing what is resonant and alive in the realm of ideas and words - that brings forth a voice that feels deeply inhabited.

For more on my journey, you can read my bio here, and download my CV here.

Creative Process

  • As a trained strategist, I never start writing before asking: “what is the job to be done?” An effective story & voice delivers on the client goal, bringing the consumer to a specific destination.

  • There are lots of people building castles in the sky - beautiful ideas that have zero real-world resonance. I begin by understanding the audience, shapeshifting into their dreams, desires, and emotional state. Knowing who the work is for helps guide the work to its effective, authentic expression.

  • Understanding how we need to make the work sets clear parameters for reviewing successful creative, for onboarding collaborators, and efficiently managing team energy systems. A direction is the North Star to guide the making.

  • Once we know where we’re going, we can summon the right voice - words, tone, and corresponding visual direction - to bring the brand to life.

  • A voice is meant to be spoken. Just like a person, a brand should talk in a lot of different places, adapting to different environments, while ultimately holding one core identifying resonance.

    I am expert at holding this balance of shapeshifting and central consistent clarity.

    I write the voice wherever it needs to speak: presentation decks and thought leadership pieces, manifestos, scripts, swag, and social content.

As a copywriter, I channel a brand voice that is truly alive.

The brand voices that emerge from this process are organic to each business, as individual as people. Because they feel real, not mechanic, they are compelling to the consumer and capture the heart. I hope I don’t jinx myself by saying I’ve never had an unhappy client.

The Voice I channel is the kind you’d hear in a crowded room, the kind that causes a sudden hush as people stop talking and start truly listening. This Voice isn’t necessarily the loudest, but it has a magnetic quality that draws people in. People know: this Voice has something to say.

Brands I’ve worked on (solo, in-house, & as part of an agency):