Our Pillars 

At Pythia Collaborative, our brand work is birth work: taking organizations across thresholds in their lifecycle. We are called to launch new brands, to guide organizational evolution through rebrands, and to honor completed organizational lifecycles -composting the energy so it may continue to feed the future, perhaps in a different form. Whatever the project, we work at a systems-level to address the root - not just the symptom - because we are interested in real change and not just the illusion of it. Our systems-level brand work is built on five pillars:

Guiding Organizations across Thresholds


What is - what if - what now? These guiding questions help us uncover with you your most expansive vision for the future. Through loving eyes, we show you what we see: about your strengths, your challenges, and the possibilities beyond the current imagination. Through Vision Workshopping and deep inquiry, we uncover the direction for the brand work to follow.


Every brand has a unique voice and we are experts at finding the resonance that will authentically compel your audience. Speaking from an authentic place is the way to cut through the noise and deliver your message. Through voice direction, brand narrative creation, and messaging systems - we show you what your story is to tell, and where and how to tell it.


Brand work goes beyond the optical. While website, messaging, and visual identity are paramount, they must express an intentional role for the brand. At Pythia, we place every brand into its competitive, collaborative, and cultural context. In this way, we can see it as part of a broader network - identifying the archetypal relevance, and shaping its presence in the world.


Brand behavior is one of the biggest communications methods for creating a brand. From internal organizational systems to external messaging, our team considers your brand as a relational force. We guide brand behavior through organizational consulting, direct coaching, strategic thinking, and program creation. We ask what kind of relationships will amplify the vision, what actions will align and fuel its momentum. What do you want to inspire? How must you show up?


At Pythia, we understand that value is co-created between the giver and the receiver. For this reason, we bring your audience into the room with us from the very beginning. Seeing yourself through another’s eyes - specifically through the eyes of those you most want to speak to - is essential to understanding how to shape your brand. What authentic value and meaning can your brand offer?

Our Core Collaborators


  • We can help bring an initial intuition into precise direction. This is our preferred starting point, as often what clients believe is the challenge is only the surface-level problem, or a red herring. From our expert outside vantage point, we can take a good look at your brand/business and give you an honest assessment as to what the work is to be done, and how to do it. You can book a Brand Reading® to get a pulse on your brand overall. If your brand is the right match for Pythia Collaborative or some of our collaborators, you’ll get a precise plan of action as an outcome of your Brand Reading®.

  • The five people presented - Emma, Saga, Brooke, Callie, and Rebecca - offer core functions of any brand re-imagining and some mix of this core will be present in any Pythia Collaborative proposal. The mix is curated according to the needs and budget of the client.

    Graphic design is also a core function of brand work. However, we find this piece needs to be matched specifically for each individual client, as each designer has a specific style.

    For skillsets that are tailored to a brief - e.g. movement-building expertise, event-production, content creation - we tap our broader networks to find the voices best suited to fill out the whole.

  • While the Pythia Collaborative began as a formalization of as Saga's inner circle of creative partnerships, it has grown to be a truly mycelial web of networks beyond the original network. These are deeply human relationships: we have worked with each other, trust each other, and have amplified each other in ways visible and invisible. For the newer relationships, we have chosen to align because we share a shared vision of a regenerative future, and notice that we are working with the same ideas in our separate corners… so why not work together?

  • Of course! Our collaborators are all independent consultants with their own businesses in targeted fields. If you have a situation that only needs one expert at the table, you can reach out directly via their linked websites, or book a Consultant Curation session where we can guide you towards the best people for your project.

  • Unless otherwise requested, all paperwork is streamlined through Saga Blane LLC to allow for administrative efficiency.

  • If you want to become part of Pythia, email your work to saga@sagablane.com to start the conversation.