Crossroads Coaching
Intuitive guidance for people at a Crossroads.
I offer Crossroads Coaching, my unique form of life coaching with a spiritual spine, to support people at a crossroads in life.
These 1 hour zoom sessions are intimate conversations where we explore what’s going on in this crossroads moment. I use my trained strategic mind in combination with innate intuitive gifts to get to the crux of what we need to work with. Often:
An old story ready to be re-written. An old pattern ready to be re-patterened. A part of the self that has been cast out and is ready to be called home.
From this central clarity, we move into action. I guide you towards custom practices, frameworks, and rituals designed to move you out of the crossroads into your new life path. It’s a momentum that is both forward and up: to a realm of new possibility and expansion.
Crossroads Coaching can be engaged with at a drop-in rate of
$250 / session or
$1250 for 6 session commitment: “Walking the Path”, where we journey more deeply in this sacred pilgrimage of self-healing and self-initiation.
If, after your first Crossroads session, its clear that a more hands-on coaching approach would benefit you, you can also choose to work with me through my 6-session coaching program:
Self-Practices for the Creative Spirit
This is Crossroads Coaching where the extra layer of directionality: I guide you through specific self-practices for connecting with your Creative Spirit.* While remaining responsive to your own experience and in-the-moment insights, I will be grounding each conversation in a specific self-practice that you take into your own life. The intention is you develop your own arsenal of practices to call upon when life sends you into a crossroads.
These practices range from self-led ceremonies and rituals, moon cycle alignment, creative writing practices, self-discipline for your own energetic makeup, visualization, Internal Family Systems work - and more.
What does a Crossroads feel like?
While certain ‘life moments’ are easy to categorize as crossroads (the death of a loved one, parenthood, the end/beginning of a relationship, a change in home, a mental health episode, a career pivot or desire for one), the crossroads can be more subtle. It can live within a package of seeming stability. Here are some feelings I’ve learned to recognize as signs of the crossroads:
A feeling of being ‘stuck’: hitting a wall, adrift on a sea, wandering through a fog
The sudden remembering of buried dreams, desires, memories - the unconscious rising up
Uptick in vivid or intense dreams
Transportative sensory experiences: e.g. a certain smell reminds us of our grandmother’s cooking and it is almost as if we are in her kitchen again
The inability to tolerate conditions we previously just grinned and beared
Lack of motivation in something that used to inspire passion
Grief: sudden and intense; a constant companion; or waves that ebb and flow
A desire to make change - but uncertainty as to where to start
The feeling of multiple selves co-existing at once, and not knowing which part wants to lead. An internal battle.
If you feel a Crossroads session might be for you, but you aren’t sure - book a complimentary intro call - “a Good Natter”.
I believe the Crossroads is a call to return to our Creative Spirit; the Self behind the self. Each Crossroads is a choice. We are invited to put down our heavy bag (“our baggage”) and unpack it, assess what we really want to carry on the road ahead.
Can we move forward with lightness, even ease?